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Purchase Dr Jason`s Master Piece "The Wounded Healer, Find Your Health, Discovery Your Clarity, Live Your Purpose", where he reveals his secrets and the 7 step program that will fast track you to the ultimate success and happiness you have always dreamed of !
The Wounded Healer is dedicated to educating and inspiring millions of people around the world. Learn from one of Australia`s most experienced and most qualified practitioners of Integrative Medicine Dr Jason Mallia on the secrets to Health Wellness and Happiness.
Register today! and receive a free copy of Dr Jason's Chapter in the book "THINK BIG" featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Start your journey to optimum health and success NOW!
Fast track your success by using methods that took over 20 years to master.
- Receive a free EBook Copy of Think Big! By Dr Jason Mallia
- Receive the free "Start Up" Break Through to Wellness and Success Video Series (when released)
- Receive a FREE online clarity session with Dr Jason Mallia

Up Coming Events
Stay up to date on the latest, seminars, keynote presentations, media and webinars

In 2018 The Wounded Healer Worldwide and M-Powerment 2u presents "Mastering Your Mindset" (a 1 day workshop)
Choose your date:
Sydney, Sunday 25th of March 2018
Sydney, Sunday 15th April 2018
The Certification in Mind Body Mechanics (3 day training).
Sydney, Sat-Mon 2nd-4th June 2018
- Breakthrough to Greater Clarity and Success
- Learn from 2 world renown experts in Integrative medicine and personal development
- Reach your full potential